Health & Safety Consultants Advicers
At SA Health and Safety Ltd, we can guarantee that your business conforms to Health and Safety guidelines and has successful arrangements set up to limit the everyday dangers you face. Discover progressively about what our safety experts can do to support you.
Competent Person Person
At SA Health and Safety Ltd, our group of capable health and safety consultants convey a various scope of applicable capabilities, industry learning and experience. This enables us to be designated as your ‘Competent Person’, guaranteeing that you satisfy your obligations under The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR).
Surveys & Assessments Assessments
At SA Health & Safety Ltd, our skill equipped specialists/consultants have the mastery and capabilities to manage a scope of explicit overview and appraisals that are required in the everyday activity of a business.
Health & Safety Training Training
A wise choice of Health and Safety Training Courses is done to cover and find out the majority of your needs, regardless of whether the standard knowledge or bespoke courses fits explicitly to your individual business and conditions or not.