Read about our range of Surveys & Assessments services

Fire Risk Assessments

Thorough assessment of your premises in order to aid compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

Legionella Risk Assessments

In order to to aid in compliance with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, an assessment of your water systems is done in accordance with HSE Approved Code of Practice L8

Noise Surveys

In order to identify the concerning areas and assist with compliance with the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, an assessment of noise levels in your premises is done using the latest technologies

Dust Surveys

In order to identify areas of concern and assist with compliance with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, a thorough assessment of dust levels at your premises is done

COSHH Assessments

Complying with Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

Complying with DSE Regulations 1992 and protecting workers from the health risks of working with DSE

Work-related Stress Surveys

This survey is taken by employees and provides useful information on work-related stress within the workforce. It can provide information who is likely to be affected and how

At SA Health and Safety Ltd, our skilled advisors have the mastery and capabilities to manage a scope of explicit study and evaluations that are required in the everyday task of business.

The expert Surveys and Assessments that we complete include:

  • Fire Risk Assessments – Our appraisals help you meet your commitments as a ‘competent person’ under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
  • Legionella Risk Assessments – We can enable you to manage and keep up water systems to diminish the danger of Legionnaire’s ailment – a genuine condition which can be contracted by inhaling droplets.
  • Commotion Surveys – If your premises contain vast hardware or are utilized for substantial procedures, ceaseless high clamor levels could cause industrial deafness. We can enable you to decide the noise levels and any activities required.
  • Residue Surveys – Dust introduction can be a noteworthy hazard to representatives in specific parts, for example, carpentry or stone-workmanship. Our pro residue overviews can enable you to decrease the dangers of conditions, for example, asthma and lung infection.
  • COSHH Assessments

Complying with Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

  • Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

Complying with DSE Regulations 1992 and protecting workers from the health risks of working with DSE

  • Work-related Stress Surveys

This survey is taken by employees and provides useful information on work-related stress within the workforce. It can provide information who is likely to be affected and how

To discover more, or to orchestrate any of the above surveys and evaluations, get in touch with us through the site, or call us.

Just wanted to let you know how fantastic the legal team are. They are personable, informative, quick to respond and as you would expect highly professional.

It has been a case of ‘all buses coming at once’ unfortunately. I have dealt with all employment matters myself over the last 8-12 months, however we are in the middle of 2 challenges and SA Health and Safety team, really are a pleasure to work with.

Jane Allott

Print-On Solutions

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